In this series of articles,
we shall reveal the irrationality that is latent in the
vacancy and the ignorance of atheism. It is our sincere
hope that these people will one day face reality,
without the distorting lens called “Secularist
Enlightenment”. In the East, “enlightenment” was
never needed; No Crusades here (the Orthodox were
actually victims of the Papacy's Crusades); no "Holy Inquisition",
no "Dark Ages". The light never ceased to shine in the
Orthodox faith of the eastern Roman Empire.
The fastest-growing
faith in America is no faith at all. And now
some atheists think they need a church. (...)
Many atheist sects are experimenting with
building new, human-centered quasi-religious
organizations, much like Ethical Culture. They
aim to remove God from the church, while leaving
the church, at least large parts of it, standing.
But this impulse is fuelling a growing schism
among atheists...
New York Magazine , article "If God Is Dead, Who
Gets His House?", by Sean McManus Published Apr
21, 2008
Among the religions in this country which do not
teach what would generally be considered a belief in
the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical
Culture, Secular Humanism, and others.
USA Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, case
of Torcaso vs Watkins (1961)