One of the more interesting
cultural aspects of religious
life in the southern United
States is something of this
culture’s fascination with Hell.
It is nothing at all to be
driving down country roads and
to see signs posted with various
scriptures on them. I know today
it is popular to see signs at
almost every televised football
game that say simply, “3:16,”
John 3:16, “For God so loved
the world that He gave His only
begotten Son, etc.”
grew up in a world that had not
only that, but signs along many
roads with great warnings,
particularly, about Hell, and
how much danger we were all in,
in terms of going to Hell.
Recently, doing a little surfing
on the internet, I came across a
fundamentalist Christian website
that gave the following
statistics. I am not sure how
they arrive at these statistics,
but they are fascinating,
obviously, to some Christians.
They offered this as the number
of people going to Hell. They
said there were 1.72 persons,
per second, going to Hell. There
were 103 persons, per minute,
going to Hell, 6198 per hour,
149,000 per day—149,000 per day,
an amazing number—54.3 million
per year, and 3.8 billion per
average lifetime, that is, every
70 years. Those are interesting
numbers. I have no idea where
they got them. There is, as far
as I know, not an accounting
department in Heaven or Hell
that can come up with such
numbers, but there is a
fascination with these kinds of
Recently, my town here in East
Tennessee has become the
location for a major national
evangelical revival, one that
everyone would probably be very
familiar with. There is a lot of
organization, particularly in
the Protestant world, going on
to support this crusade and
their efforts. There are a lot
of signs appearing all around
town, and many other
organizational meetings that are
On one of the roads leading into
my little town of Oak Ridge, I
think we have maybe three or
four roads that you can get into
Oak Ridge on, but on one of
them, on which thousands of cars
pass by every day, there is a
billboard that has recently
appeared. The sign is quite
simple. In very large, bright
yellow letters, all CAPS, very
bright so you can see them for a
very great distance, it has a
black background. The signs
says, “Hell IS REAL.” Now, in
small letters beneath it, in
white, when you get very close
to the sign—it sort of teases
you as you get close, so that
you want to see what the little
white letters say. The sign has
the statement, “So is Heaven,”
in small letters. Big letters:
“Hell IS REAL.” Small letters:
“So is Heaven.”
Like the small bulletin boards
outside of many southern
churches, this sign belongs to a
part of our culture that has
been with us a long time. I use
this road rather frequently, and
every time I see this sign, my
mind turns to the subject of
what in theology and philosophy
is called ontology. That means
the study of the nature of
being. You can add that word to
today’s vocabulary list:
ontology—the study of being.
Today, if you will, and I beg
your patience, and I will offer
some very basic thoughts on the
subject of being, of ontology.
It is a classical part of
Christian theology. The first
thing that I will note, is that
you cannot say Hell is real, and
Heaven is real, and have the
word real mean the same thing in
both sentences. Whatever the
reality of Heaven, Hell does not
have such a reality. Whatever
the reality of Hell, Heaven is
far beyond such reality.
St. Athanasius, in his great
classic work, On the
Incarnation, sees sin, and thus,
Hell itself, as a movement
toward non-being. The created
universe, he notes, was made out
of nothing. Thus, as it moves
away from God, it is moving away
from the gift of existence, and
toward its original state, that
is, non-existence. God is good,
and does not begrudge existence
to anything. Thus, the most
creation can do is move toward
non-being. It cannot make itself
just not exist. That is not
within its power.
am certain that the intent of
this billboard that I have to
see most days was to suggest
that Hell is not imaginary, or
just a folk tale, and it is
certainly neither of those
things. But in Orthodox
spiritual terms, and this is
important—in Orthodox spiritual
terms, I would say that Hell is
a massive state of delusion,
maybe even the ultimate state of

It is delusional in the sense
that in Orthodox understanding,
the fire of Hell is not a
material fire. This is something
that has been settled quite
solidly in Orthodox theology,
that the fire of Hell is not a
material fire, but is, itself,
nothing other than the fire of
the Living God. As it says in
Hebrews 12:29, “For our God
is a consuming fire.” For those
who love God, His fire is light
and life, purification, and all
good things. For those who hate
God, His fire is torment, even
though it is nothing other than
love. They find His love, His
light, to be a torment.
These are not simply picky
issues about the afterlife. They
are very germane issues for our
present life. Christ, Himself,
for instance, gave this, if you
will, definition, of Hell. He
says in
John 3:19, just three verses
John 3:16, “And this is
condemnation (if you will, this
is Hell), that light has come
into the world, and men loved
darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil.”
As you think about the life of
Christ, particularly as we head
into this Holy Week, we can see
this being manifested in the
lives of the people of Jerusalem,
as Christ comes to His own. Some
embrace him as Lord and Messiah,
some even manage to stand by His
cross and are faithful. One, a
thief, confesses him and finds
Paradise in a single moment. But
for many others, even many so-called
religious people, the very
presence of Christ is something
that makes them, not only want
to do evil, it makes them want
to murder, so that they can
shout, “Crucify Him!” This they
say to the light, so this is
condemnation, that light has
come into the world and men
preferred darkness to the light
because their deeds were evil.
It is of critical importance for
us to understand that being,
reality, life, goodness, beauty,
happiness, truth—all of them are
synonymous with reality, as it
is gifted to us by God. Many
things that we experience in our
currently damaged condition—and
I am speaking of our state as
fallen creatures—many things
that we describe with words,
such as being, reality, life,
goodness, beauty, happiness,
truth, etc., that are, in fact,
only relatively so, and are only
so in as much as they have a
participation, or a relationship,
with the fullness of being
reality, life, beauty, etc., as
God has gifted them to us.
So it is that, tragically, in
our world, many live in some
state of delusion. Even most of
us live in some state of
delusion. Christ said, “Blessed
are the pure in heart, for they
shall see God.” The truth is, we
are not pure in heart, and so we
do not see God, nor do we see
anything in the fullness of its
truth. Our delusion makes many
mistakes about reality. The most
serious delusion that is
described by Christ when we
prefer darkness to light because
our deeds are evil—this is by
far the most serious delusion.
It can cause us to hate goodness,
itself. It can cause us to hate
beauty. It can cause us to hate
reality, cause us to hate the
light, to hate God, Himself.
have known, in my own life, what
moments of such darkness are
like. The details of that are
between me and my confessor. I
have also seen such darkness in
the hearts and lives of others,
and more than once. The whole of
our ministry and life as
Christians is to move from such
darkness into the light of
Christ. As we are told in
1 John 1:7, “But if we walk
in the light, as Christ is in
the light, we have fellowship (it
says we have communion,
koinonia), one with another,
and the blood of Jesus Christ,
His son, cleanses us from all
Is Hell real? Only for those who
prefer to see the light of God
as darkness. Is Heaven real?
Yes, indeed, and everything else
is only real as it relates to
that reality. God give us grace
to walk in the light. Glory to
Fr. Stephen Freeman is the
priest at St. Anne Orthodox
Church (OCA) in Oak Ridge, TN.
His weblog “Glory to God for all
Things,” has quickly become one
of the most read Orthodox sites
on the Web, being translated
frequently in Romanian, French
and Serbian, by enthusiastic