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Interpreting the presence of Moses and Elijah at the Transfiguration of the Lord

(…and the difference between the terms “Time” and “Aeon”)

by Saint Maximus the Confessor

Source:  “To John, Archbishop of Kyzikos” 41 EPE 14D. p.202. and PG 91,1164B-C.


Original Text

English Rendition


Θεωρία εις τον Μωϋσήν και τον Ηλίαν


Α´. Και πρώτον μεν την περί τού δειν πάντως συνείναι τω Λόγω και Θεώ τον τε νομικόν και τον  προφητικόν λόγον δια Μωυσέως και Ηλίου ευσεβεστάτην ελάμβανον έννοιαν, ως εξ αυτού και περί αυτού και όντας και απαγγέλοντας, και περί αυτόν ιδρυμένους.

Β´. Είτα σοφίαν και χρηστότητα  συνούσαν αυτώ δια τών αυτών επαιδεύοντο,  την μεν ότι κατ' αυτήν διαγορευτικός εστι τών ποιητέων ο λόγος, και απαγορευτικός τών ου ποιητέων, ης τύπος υπήρχε Μωυσής (σοφίας γαρ την τής νομοθεσίας είναι πιστεύομεν χάριν), την δε ότι κατ' αυτήν προτρεπτικός εστι και επιστρεπτικός προς την θείαν ζωήν τών αυτής απολισθησάντων, ης τύπος υπήρχεν Ηλίας, δι' εαυτού όλον το προφητικόν δηλών χάρισμα.   Χρηστότητος γαρ θείας ίδιον γνώρισμα, τών πεπλανημένων η μετά φιλανθρωπίας επιστροφή, ης κήρυκας τους προφήτας γινώσκομεν.




Γ´. Ή γνώσιν και παιδείαντην μεν ότι καλού τε και κακού τής ειδήσεως τοις ανθρώποις υπάρχει παρεκτικός. "Δέδωκα γαρ, φησί, προ προσώπου σου την ζωήν και τον θάνατον, εφ ω την μεν ελείν αιρείσθαι, τον δε φυγείν, και μη ως καλώ περιπεσείν εξ αγνοίας τω χείρονι", όπερ Μωυσής πεπραγώς ανηγόρευται, προτυπών εν εαυτώ τής αληθείας τα σύμβολα· την δε ότι τών τοις εναντίοις ανέδην χρωμένων κατά τον Ισραήλ, ού παιδευτήν Ηλίας ο μέγας εγένετο, και μιγνύντων αδιακρίτως τα άμικτα, τής αδιαφορίας εστί κολαστικός, και τών παντελώς τω κακώ προστεθειμένων  την άνοιαν και την πώρωσιν εις έννοιαν άγων, ως λόγος, και αίσθησιν.



Δ´. Ή πράξιν και θεωρίαντην μεν ως κακίας αναιρετικήν, και δι' επιδείξεως αρετών τους, δι' αυτής αγομένους, παντελώς κατά διάθεσιν κόσμου τέμνουσαν, ως Μωυσής τής Αιγύπτου τον Ισραήλ, και θείοις νόμοις τού Πνεύματος ευπειθώς παιδεύουσαν άγεσθαι· την δε, ως ύλης και είδους αρπάζουσαν, ως τον Ηλίαν το εκ πυρός άρμα, και Θεώ δια γνώσεως προσάγουσάν τε και συνάπτουσαν υπό σαρκός μηδ' οτιούν βαρουμένους, δια την τού κατ' αυτήν νόμου αθέτησιν, ή επάρσει καθ' οτιούν επί τοις κατορθώμασι φλεγομένους, δια την συνημμένην ταις όντως αρεταίς δρόσον τής πτωχείας τού πνεύματος.


Ε´.  Ή πάλιν τα κατά τον γάμον και την αγαμίαν μυστήρια παρά τω Λόγω είναι μανθάνοντες δια Μωυσέως, τού δια τον γάμον τής θείας εραστού γενέσθαι δόξης μη κωλυθέντος,  και δια Ηλίου, τού παντελώς γαμικής συναφείας καθαρού διαμείναντος, οία τού Λόγου και Θεού τους λόγω ταύτα ιθύνοντας, κατά τους θειωδώς περί αυτών κειμένους νόμους, εαυτώ μυστικώς εισποιείσθαι κηρύττοντος.


ΣΤ´. Ή ζωής και θανάτου δια τών αυτών κύριον πιστώς όντα τον Λόγον πληροφορούμενοι.


Ζ´. Ή και το πάντας ζην τω Θεώ και μηδένα παντελώς παρ αυτώ νεκρόν είναι δια τών αυτών μανθάνοντες, πλην τού εαυτόν τη αμαρτία νεκρώσαντος, και τη εκουσίω προς τα πάθη ροπή τού Λόγου εαυτόν αποκόψαντος.


Η´. Ή πάλιν τον Λόγον ως αλήθειαν όντα κατ' αναφοράν είναί τε και υπάρχειν τους τύπους τών μυστηρίων, και εις αυτόν συνάγεσθαι, τής τε νομικής και τής προφητικής πραγματείας ως αρχήν και τέλος, εφωταγωγούντο.



Θ´. Ή τα μετά Θεόν πάντα και εκ Θεού γεγονότα, τουτέστι την φύσιν τών όντων και τον χρόνον, παρά τω Θεώ όντα συνεκφαίνεσθαι αληθώς φαινομένω, κατά το εφικτόν, ως αιτίω  και ποιητή.    Ων τού μεν χρόνου τύπος αν είη Μωυσής, ου μόνον ως χρόνου και τού κατ' αυτόν αριθμού διδάσκαλος (ούτος γαρ πρώτος τον κατά την γένεσιν τού κόσμου χρόνον  ηρίθμησε), και ως χρονικής γενόμενος λατρείας καθηγητής, αλλά και ως μη συνεισερχόμενος εκείνοις σωματικώς εις την κατάπαυσιν ων προς τής θείας καθηγήσατο ευαγγελίας· τοιούτον γαρ έχει ο χρόνος, ου φθάνων ή συνερχόμενος κατά την κίνησιν εκείνοις ους προς την θείαν τού μέλλοντος αιώνος ζωήν πέφυκε παραπέμπειν. Ιησούν γαρ έχει τον παντός όντα και χρόνου και αιώνος διάδοχον· καν ει άλλως οι λόγοι τού χρόνου εν τω Θεώ διαμένωσιν, ως δηλοί μυστικώς η τού εν ερήμω δοθέντος νόμου δια Μωυσέως τοις την γης λαβούσι τής κατασχέσεως συνείσοδος.

Αιών γαρ εστιν ο χρόνος, όταν στη τής κινήσεως, τον δε χρόνος εστίν ο αιών, όταν μετρήται κινήσει φερόμενος, ως είναι τον μεν αιώνα, ίνα ως εν όρω περιλαβών είπω, χρόνον εστερημένου κινήσεως, τον δε χρόνον αιώνα κινήσει μετρούμενον.


Τής δε φύσεως Ηλίας, ου μόνον ως τους καθ' εαυτόν αλωβήτους φυλάξας λόγους, και το επ' αυτοίς κατά γνώμην φρόνημα τής εκ πάθους τροπής ελεύθερον, αλλά και ως εν κρίσει παιδεύων, οίόν τις φυσικός νόμος, τους παρά φύσιν τη φύσει χρωμένους.  Τοιούτον γαρ και η φύσις, τους αυτήν παραφθείρειν επιχειρούντας τοσούτον καλάζουσα, όσον τού παρά φύσιν ζην επιτηδεύουσι, τω μη όλην αυτής φυσικώς έτι κεκτήσθαι τής φύσεως την δύναμιν, μειωθέντας ήδη τής κατ' αυτήν αρτιότητος και δια τούτο κολαζομένους, ως εαυτοίς αβούλως τε και αφρόνως δια τής προς το μη ον νεύσεως τού είναι παρεχομενους την έλλειψιν.



Ι´. Ίσως δε και την νοητήν και την αισθητήν κτίσιν έχεσθαι τού Δημιουργού Λόγου τις ειπών δια τού Μωυσέως και Ηλίου, τής αληθείας ου διαμαρτάνει.  Ων τής μεν αισθητής Μωυσής λόγον επέχει, ως υπό γένεσιν και φθοράν γενόμενος, καθώς η περί αυτού ιστορία δηλοί, την γένεσιν και τον θάνατον αυτού καταγγέλλουσα. Τοιούτον γαρ και αισθητή κτίσις, αρχήν εγνωσμένην γενέσεως έχουσα και διαφθοράς ωρισμένον τέλος ελπίζουσα.  Τής δε νοητής Ηλίας, ως ούτε γένεσιν αυτού τής περί αυτού μηνυούσης ιστορίας, καν ει γεγέννηται, ούτε μην την δια θανάτου φθοράν ελπίζεσθαι οριζομένης, καν ει τεθνήξεται. Τοιούτον γαρ και η νοητή κτίσις, ούτε αρχήν γενέσεως ανθρώποις κατάδηλον έχουσα, καν ει γεγένηται και ήρκται και εκ τού μη όντος εις το είναι παρήκται, ούτε τέλος τού είναι δια φθοράς ωρισμένον εκδέχεται. Το γαρ ανώλεθρον φυσικώς έχει λαβούσα παρά Θεού, τού ούτως αυτήν δημιουργήσαι θελήσαντος.


A view, regarding Moses and Elijah


ΑAnd, firstly, they grasped the very pious notion - through Moses and Elijah - that both the legal and the prophetic elements most certainly must exist within the Logos and God, as both had originated from Him and had spoken of Him and both had been founded around Him;


Β. then, through the same two (men), they were taught that wisdom and goodness also coexisted within Him:  

wisdom, because with it, the Logos had dictated what should be done and forbade whatever should not be done (Moses being the appropriate model for wisdom, given that we believe the underlying grace of the Law is wisdom); and  goodness, because it is according to goodness that the Logos exhorts and directs back to divine living all those who had slipped away from it (Elijah being the appropriate model for goodness, having through himself displayed the whole gift of prophecy.  Because, the characteristic sign of divine goodness is the philanthropic return of the deluded ones - the heralds of which, we recognize in the persons of the Prophets.



C. Or knowledge and education, (which also co-exist in Him):  Knowledge, because He provides people with the message of what is good and what is evil. “For I have presented before you both life and death” (He said), so that you may choose to follow the one and flee from the other, and not fall into the worse out of ignorance, as if into something good” – which is what we are told that Moses did, as having imprinted within his person the symbols of truth; and education, because to all those who had unashamedly acted against Israel (whose educator the great Elijah had proven to be) and to those who had also indiscriminately mixed the immiscible, He was the chastiser of their indifference; and to all those who had wholly added themselves to evil, He, as the Logos, led them from their witlessness and depravity into understanding and awareness.


D.  Or action and theory:  Action, as the rebuttal of evil: and, led by it through the display of their virtues, it completely cut them away from the world per their own disposition, just as Moses cut away the Israelites from Egypt, and by divine laws of the Spirit, taught them to be led compliantly.  As for theory: as something that snatches up species as well as matter -just as (the man) Elijah was snatched up by a chariot of fire- leading him to God through knowledge and connecting him to Him, while not in the least burdened for having broken the laws of the flesh (matter), nor being scorched at all by the flame of achievements, thanks to the cool dew that accompanies the true virtues of conscientious poverty in spirit.



Ε Or again, that they also learn how the mysteries of matrimony and celibacy also exist in the Logos, through Moses, whose marital status was not an impediment for his becoming a lover of divine glory;  And through Elijah, who had remained completely abstinent from marital relations, and had preached that those who abide by the pertinent divine laws set down by their God-Logos would mystically be made His own.




F. Or, they are informed reliably by both (these men) that the Logos is the lord of both life and death.



G. Or also, having learnt from both (these men) that all are alive in God, and that absolutely no-one is dead near Him - except for the one who has mortified himself through sin and who has cut himself off from the Logos with his willful inclination towards passions.


Η. Or again, through both (men) they were enlightened that with reference to the Logos – because He is the Truth - the forms of the mysteries that are contained both in the legal decrees as well as the prophetic announcements exist, are concentrated in Him.


I.  Or, the fact that everything after God and whatever was created by God (i.e., the nature of beings and Time) appeared together as existing near God, Who appears truly - as much as is feasible – for He is the Cause and the Creator; of which, Moses could be the model of Time; not only because Time was numbered by him (for he was the first to enumerate Time, according to the genesis of the world), but also because he became the teacher of temporal worship, and because he did not bodily enter together with others into the final repose, thus leading them prior to the arrival of the divine gospel. For, such is Time: it can neither “catch up” nor “go along” in its motion, with those whom it by nature must direct towards the divine life of the future “aeon”.  For it has Jesus, Who is the Successor of all Time and Eternity (Aeon) - even if the principles of Time remain otherwise differently in God – as mystically expressed by the entry of the Law (given through Moses in the desert) to those who co-entered the land promised to them.

For, “Aeon/Eternity/Age” is when Time ceases its movement, and “Time” is  when Aeon/Eternity/Age is measured while borne by motion; so that - to include this in a definition: Aeon/ Eternity/Age is  Time deprived of motion, while Time is Aeon/ Eterntity/Age measured by motion.


As for Elijah: he is a model of nature, not only by keeping intact the principles of his own nature -along with the deliberative frame of mind appropriate to these principles, thus making him free of any change due to passion - but also because he taught by judging - as a kind of natural law – those who make unnatural use of nature. For thus is nature also: it punishes those attempting to corrupt it, to the same degree that they actually live contrary to nature, so that they will never again acquire all of nature’s power, having already diminished its integrity and have been punished for that reason, given that they had indecisively and foolishly leaned towards the lack of being, by nodding towards non-being.


J. Perhaps if one also says that in Moses and Elijah both intelligible and tangible creation are maintained by the Creator Logos, one would not be mistaken in the truth.  Of which, Moses corresponds to the tangible (creation), as one who was made with an origin and a deterioration - as stated of him by History, which records his birth and his death. For such is tangible nature: it has a recognized beginning of its origin and has hopes for a determined end to its deterioration.  Whereas Elijah (corresponds to) the intelligible (creation), as one of whom History makes no mention, either of his origin, or even if he was born at all; nor of any hope for an end to deterioration through death; or even if he were to die. For such is intelligible creation: it has neither an obvious to people beginning of its origin, nor if it has been created at all and begun, or if it passed from non-being to being, or if it looks forward to a determined end to its deterioration through death. For it has received natural imperishability from God, Who had wanted to thus create it.


    Translation:  A.N. 

Article created:  21-06-2017.

Updated on:  21-06-2017.