Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries | Readers’ Questions |
Research the Orthodox Dogma along with us!
Who are you? |
We are a team of Orthodox Christians, comprised mostly of private individuals of varying ages and occupations. Although some of us may come from other countries and religions, our common awareness of the superiority of the Orthodox dogma led us to embrace the Orthodox faith – the pure faith of the Apostles and the saints. We do not constitute any official instrument of the Church, nor do we all belong to a certain Diocese. Our endeavors are entirely spontaneous; they spring from the surplus of our Christ-centered zeal. We are simply the columnists of an electronic, Orthodox magazine. We are a group of people who are striving –to the best of our ability– to live in the footprints of our Lord Jesus Christ, united within His Church. Despite our broad spectrum of articles, we do not profess to be teachers or theologians. We too are INQUIRERS, and everything that we publicize represents the independent findings of each individual’s research on our most sacred Christian faith and the Orthodox dogma. In other words, we share with our readers our own studentship in the Orthodox faith, as well as any other fields that are related to issues of faith, because it is our conviction that the grandeur we discover through our research is worth sharing with everyone. Included among our team-mates are not only unspecialized Christians, but also brethren that specialize in different areas, who have proven to be invaluable counselors and assistants in our endeavors. |
File published in English on: 14-3-2006.
Last update: 10-9-2008.