"Listen, dear
Christians, to how the sign of the Cross should be made, and
what its significance is.
The holy
Gospel tells us that the Holy Trinity - God - is glorified
mostly in heaven, by the angels. What should you do?
You bring
together the three fingers of your right hand and, since you
cannot ascend to heaven to venerate God, you touch your head
with that hand (because your head is round and it denotes
heaven), while you say: "as you, angels, glorify the Holy
Trinity in heaven, so do I, an unworthy servant, glorify and
venerate the Holy Trinity.
And as these
fingers are three -they are separate and yet they are together-
so is the Holy Trinity, God, three Persons and only one God."
You take your
hand away from your head and you bring it down and touch your
belly (the navel) while you say:
"I adore and
venerate you, my Lord, because You condescended to be incarnated
in the womb of the Theotokos for our sins."
Then you place
it on your right shoulder and you say: " I beseech you, my God,
to forgive me and to place me on your right, with the righteous."
Placing your
hand on your left shoulder you say: "I beg you, my Lord, not to
put me on your left with the sinners."
Then, bowing
down towards the earth, you say: "I glorify You, my God, I
venerate and adore You, and as You were put into the grave, so
will I be."
And when you
rise up, you denote the Resurrection and you say: " I glorify
You, my Lord, I venerate and adore You, because You were raised
from the dead to give us the eternal life."
This is what
the holy sign of the Cross means.