On the Saturday before the
Sunday of the Last Judgment the most Divine Fathers
appointed a commemoration of all those who, from ages past,
have piously fallen asleep, in the hope of resurrection unto
life eternal.
Since it often happens that
certain people suffer death prematurely, in a foreign land,
at sea, on trackless mountains, on precipices, in chasms, in
famines, wars, conflagrations, and cold weather, and all
manner of other deaths; and perhaps, being poor and without
resources, they have not been vouchsafed the customary
psalter readings and memorial services, moved by love for
mankind, the Divine Fathers ordained that the Orthodox
Catholic Church make commemoration of all people, a
tradition which they inherited from the Holy Apostles, in
order that those who, due to some particular circumstance,
did not receive the customary obsequies individually, might
be included in the present general commemoration, indicating
that whatever is done on their behalf confers great benefit
on them.
This is one reason why the
Church of God performs the commemoration of souls.
A second reason is that,
since the Fathers intended, as is fitting, to assign the
observance of the Second Coming of Christ to the following
day, they appointed a commemoration of all souls on this
day, as if propitiating the dread and unerring Judge to show
them His innate compassion and place them in the promised
Paradise of delight.
A third reason is that,
since they intended to expound the banishment of Adam on the
following Sunday, they devised the present commemoration, on
this day of rest, as a respite from, and end of all human
affairs, so that they might start from the beginning, that
is, the banishment of Adam—for the final event that we will
experience is the examination by the impartial Judge of all
the deeds that we have committed in our life—and so that,
putting fear into men thereby, they might make them ready
for the contests of the Fast.
We always commemorate souls
on Saturday, because Sabbaton
(Sabbath) means “rest” in Hebrew; and since the dead
have rested from worldly and all other cares, we offer
supplications for them also on the day which means “rest.”
It has become customary for us to do this every Saturday. On
the present Saturday, we observe a universal commemoration,
beseeching God for all the pious.

Wheat offering for
commemorating the souls of the deceased