1. The Monastery's announcement regarding the Molotov attack
between SWAT teams and zealots at the Monastery
Extract from
a commentary illuminating the matter of the schismatic occupants
4. About the authenticity of the Molotov cocktail bomb photo
5. Event Logbook of
the Police for the Molotovs at Karyes
6. What do the
schismatic occupants of Esphigmenou say about
the Elders Paisios-Porphyrios?
1. The
Esphigmenou Monastery's announcement regarding the Molotov attack
Brotherhood of the
canonical Holy Monastery of Esphigmenou (which is
recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate) issued an announcement regarding
the attack with "Molotov cocktails" and an explosive device at Karyes
(the central administration of the Holy Mountain's
The text of
the announcement is as follows:
Karyes (the capital) of the Holy Mountain on this day, the 29/7/13, experienced an
attack with explosives and Molotov cocktails.
At a
distance of one hundred metres from the most holy temple of the Protaton
(the Main Church,
dedicated to the
Dormition of the Virgin Mary and located near the headquarters of the
Epistassia) and the
Sacred Community of the Holy Mountain, the illegal occupants of the
buildings of our Monastery refused to relinquish the illegally overtaken
Karyes Representatives' Sector to the official Bailiff who had come to
enforce the irrevocable verdict of a restraining order, and actually
threw three Molotovs and an explosive device at him.
day went by in anticipation of police assistance, which may not be
adequate for our protection.
We are
hereby directing an appeal to everyone, and especially to the just rule
of the State:
must understand. We are in danger. We do not know what the morning after
has in store for us, with fanatic owners of explosives in direct contact
with our place of habitation.
information we have received, Thessaloniki's Public Prosecutor has asked
for the arrest of the culprits. Will somebody at least heed the
Public Prosecutor? Must the Holy Mountain mourn victims before the
State is mobilized? The photos speak for themselves.

2. Clashes
between SWAT teams and zealots at the Esphigmenou Monastery
With the assistance
of mini-bulldozers acting as battering rams, the police attempted to
break down the door of a building adjacent to the Representatives' Sector
(the "konaki") of the Holy Mountain's Esphigmenou Monastery, in order to
execute the official decision by the Justice Department to vacate the
building at Karyes of the Holy Mountain.
A story that has dragged on through the years. The photo
is from the 2003 demonstration in support of the
Esphigmenou Monastery's zealot monks.
The zealot monks and the laypeople
entrenched inside the monastery and refusing to depart, have thrown
molotovs from the balcony in an attempt to call off the intervention.
The driver of the vehicle was forced to retreat, while the police force
is being reinforced and preparing to deploy SWAT teams.
The head of
Thessaloniki's Court of First Instance, Public Prosecutor Evangelos
Mademlis, gave the order to the police administration of the Chalkidiki
Province to proceed with arrests - in the context of the verdict - and
asked that an official brief be drawn up, for the following felonies and
delinquencies: Explosion, possession of explosives, attempted
homicide or severe bodily harm, and resistance. As announced, two
Public Prosecutors are standing by in readiness to satisfy any
possible request by the police force for the presence of a Prosecutor in
the event of an analogous police intervention.
has it that the government has given the green light for police
intervention against certain monks of the Holy Mountain. Has the
government stopped to consider that the soil of the Holy Mountain will
be steeped in blood? We have been living in the konaki for entire
decades; we have the right on our side, and we ask you to restore peace
and tranquility to the Holy Mountain. Let the political leadership
intervene, to calm down the spirits... We are talking about monks,
who are entrapped and constantly in a state of defence over the last ten
years, not criminals.... Mercy!», came the reply from the Holy
Esphigmenou Monastery after the episode, during which it was said that a
monk had been injured.
«Never during
the execution of a restraining order over private differences have SWAT
forces, bulldozers and Public Prosecutors been utilized. This has
occurred today, only against the Esphigmenou Monastery on the Holy
Mountain. However, the Greek people must be aware that this political
decision is based on reasons that pertain to financial interests alone.
The consequences of this imposition of expediencies to the detriment of
the monks of the Esphigmenou Monastery will burden the government and
Mr. Dendias exclusively», stated the Parliamentary
representative of the "Independent Hellenes" political party in regard
to the events at the konaki of the Esphigmenou Monastery.
At the beginning of
July, the Chalkidiki Court approved the petition for a restraining order
that the legal brotherhood of monks had submitted. It ordered the
confiscation and the relinquishing of the Representatives' Sector, which
had been incorporated in a State-funded program with funds for the
repair and restoration of wear to the building. «A criminal
offence has taken place. The matter will be resolved according to the
stipulations of the Law and it now rests with the Public Prosecutor»,
as the Holy Mountain's civil administrator, Aristos Kasmiroglou, pointed
out to the Newspaper "E", adding that «the entire unpleasant incident is
not representative of the spirituality and the esychastic character of
the Holy Mountain, which are admired and respected by all the world».
Father Nicodemus of
the Holy Monastery of Saint Peter and member of the Sacred Supervisory
Board, mentioned to the newspaper "E": «We are in favour of
legality. We are Greek citizens, within the
Greek State, and we desire that the Law prevails. The Bailiff came here
to execute the decision issued by the Justice Dept. Those people threw a
molotov down from the konaki, and it exploded right next to the
person of the police commander. We do not want the SWAT teams in the
premises of the Holy Mountain, but violence is being used by the other
side. A while back, they spat on the Abbott of the Monastery of
the Megisti Lavra, simply because he had expressed the viewpoint of
legality... Since they do not have a canonical hypostasis, the State
should enforce the Law. We are against violence, by either side».
In 2002 a new
Brotherhood had been chosen by the Ecumenical Patriarchate to man the
monastery, but it has proven impossible to even enter it, on account of
the zealot monks' refusal to depart.

3. Extract from
a commentary illuminating the matter of the schismatic occupants
...A reminder to all the "romantic" columnists, of certain
The brotherhood residing in
the historical monastery of Esphigmenou
Not because it observes the Old Calendar, but because it is NOT in
communion with any other Orthodox Church or Patriarchate.
Thus, apart from merely having ceased to commemorate the Ecumenical
Patriarch, the Monastery has also broken off its communion with all the
other Monasteries of the Holy Mountain, as well as with all the Orthodox
Churches, whereas it has acceded to a full and ecclesiastic communion
with one of the so-called "GOC" (Genuine Orthodox Christian) groups
- which groups, let it be noted - have no ecclesiastic communion... not
even among themselves. Since then, and to this day, no-one is
accepted for residence in the Monastery, unless they accept the
ecclesiastic communion exclusively with that group, while others are
Other predominant Monasteries have also interrupted
the commemoration of the Patriarch at times and are cautious about the
future, however, none of them has ever interrupted ecclesiastic
communion nor has any ever acceded to an ecclesiastic communion with exo-ecclesiastic
groups - and of course none
of them has ever been persecuted. On the Holy Mountain there are other
(schismatic) zealot monks,
who however live peacefully in their cells, without disturbing the
Canonicity and the Statutes of the Holy Mountain.
The Constitution and the Statutes of the Holy Mountain
prohibit monastic cohabitation with
heterodox or
In order for
the reader to understand what "schismatic" means, let him note that the
illegal occupants of the Esphigmenou monastery regard all of us as
unbaptized and heretics, who have been infected by the heresy of
ecumenism. These "poor guy" occupants have the same opinion about the
Elders Paisios and Porphyrios and Iakovos. [...] These occupants
aren't even... Hagiorites! The Sacred Community has - since 1974 -
been striving to secure decisions for the expulsion of the Hegumen
(Abbot) and the Committee members of the Monastery, who have thereafter
lost the identity of Hagiorite monk. It was they who had scorned the
decisions of the Sacred Community.
For thirty-nine whole years, the
schismatics have been exploiting the tolerance of the Hagiorite Fathers,
in order to gain recognition.
The illegal
occupancy of the Esphigmenou Monastery, apart from being an ecclesiastic
problem is also a NATIONAL one,
because if it were permitted for every Monastery to excise itself from
the Sacred Community, then it would be quite plausible for them to
invoke reasons of faith, or conscience, or national reasons etc. to
excise their Monasteries and to accede unhindered to other ecclesiastic
or national jurisdictions, with catastrophic consequences for the Holy
Mountain, the Church, and the territorial sovereignty of our land. If
the prohibition of cohabitation with heterodox and schismatics on the
Holy Mountain were to be recognized as an offence to one's religious
freedom, then soon after, we will also see the establishment of
Papist monasteries and Protestant foundations on that Holy Ground.
- Of course they are not persecuted for not... condescending to accept
European funds (as they continually tout), because
even if they wanted to accept those funds, they would not be eligible
because they do not have the right to administrate anything in the name
of the Monastery that they are illegally occupying.
Subsequently, their supposed "heroism, in not accepting European funds"
becomes incredibly absurd and mendacious, when its ulterior motive is to
arouse feelings of sympathy and admiration among the unsuspecting, for
their controversial asceticism - which is proven even more
self-discrediting if one were to consider the very respectable influx of
Drachmas, Euros and Dollars pouring into the Monastery for the group's
needs for propaganda, for publicity, for court procedures etc., while
these individuals have retroactively cashed in (and then continue to
illegally demand) the annual State funding in the Monastery's name.
- The matter is rendered even more controversial and a mockery, when one
considers how these supposed "anti-Europeanists" have - through their
supporters - already addressed the Human Rights Committee in Geneva, the
Political Committee of the European Commonwealth in Brussels and
Luxembourg, the International Union of Legists in Milan, etc., while
also threatening to appeal to the European Court for Human Rights in
Strasbourg, thus stirring up the "Franco-Latins" (as they call them)
against the Holy Mountain and our homeland [...]
The illegal occupants not only obstruct the instruments
of law and order from entering the space of the Monastery; even the
10th Supervisory Committee for Byzantine Antiquities has
filed a suit against them, because they did not even allow the
archeologists to enter the Monastery.
The illegal
occupants are not the "poor innocent guys" they strive to present
themselves as, in the Mass Media.

Priest-monk Ephraim, after being attacked by the illegally
residing (schismatic) pseudo-Esphigmenites
- The Second Magistrates Court of Thessaloniki had sentenced on the
8/3/2012 the "ringleaders" of the illegal occupancy of the
Representatives' Sector of the Esphigmenou Monastery at Karyes of the Holy
Mountain, to 29 months imprisonment with reprieve,
for possession and use of weapons, dangerous bodily harm and simple
bodily harm to members of the Monastery's new Brotherhood.
It specifically tried the familiar case of the attack on the
Representatives' Sector of the Esphigmenou Monastery in December of 2006,
which had drawn the attention of the Press. The brotherhood of the
Monastery hopes and prays that the aforementioned sentence will prove to
be helpful, both for the awareness of those severely sentenced, as well
as for the active response of the officials in finally freeing both the
(illegally occupied) Representatives' Sector as well as the much-afflicted
Monastery. Fanaticism and illegal occupancy cannot have a future.
- The "poor innocent" monks have striven to calumniate our homeland at an
international level. They have resorted to European (aka "Frankish" and
"satanic", per their own claims) instruments, when they themselves
accuse the Holy Mountain of being "Europe-lovers". They have appealed to
courts with arguments which - if they were ever to be accepted - would
bring catastrophic consequences for the entire Holy Mountain (including
the Esphigmenou Monastery of course).
- The Hegumen (Abbot)
Methodios does not even have Priesthood. Athanasios had
been canonically chosen and enthroned, and Efthymios - from 1975
up until 1999 - had at least been ordained by a hierarch with canonical
ecclesiastic communion. On the contrary, the present "hegumen"
Methodios does not even have that!
propaganda claiming "persecution" caught on; given that
it was illegal for them to ask for special
"residence visas" in the name of the Monastery, they claimed this
as "forbidden entry" for their pilgrims; the
exemption for imported goods was referred to as "deprivation of
fuel for winter" - even though the Monastery burns wood; the "no
entry" designated for vehicles entering the Holy Mountain was
conveyed as the obstruction of trucks bringing food supplies and
subsequently condemning them to die of starvation; they speak of "confiscation
of the Monastery's properties", of "financial
strangulation", of "frozen bank accounts"
upon being asked a simple question... all these being entirely unfounded
and inconceivable. They also spoke along the same lines - and in fact
overseas - about "their water and electricity supply being cut off" (the
first claim being entirely inconceivable and the second simply amusing,
given that there is no electricity supply on the
Holy Mountain.) Even the observance of laws pertaining to
the very sensitive issue of vessels approaching
the Holy Mountain by sea - for which the Hagiorites have
struggled many years to safeguard - has been referred to as "a blockade
from the sea"... They have demonstrated everywhere, with every
opportunity, that they are in danger of starving to death (while
elsewhere, they claim to have food supplies for two years); that
they ask for doctors and medicines but the Greek government refuses to
supply them (when this has never happened and has been claimed it
will never happen, whereas on the contrary, by "incarcerating" elders
and the sick, they themselves are putting their health and their lives
at risk)
(a) By having acceded to a specific group of old
calendarists, the illegal occupants therefore no longer commemorate the
Patriarch. Then again, there are also many other zealots on the
Holy Mountain who are not persecuted by the Patriarch or by the State,
because of their faith!
- (b) They cannot
collect any funds from the European Union, because they cannot
administrate the Monastery's documents and elements, which they are
illegally holding.
They are not being persecuted, given that they are living absolutely
unrestrained, doing literally whatever they please, and totally
indifferent to the Laws of the State - and of the Holy Mountain, thus
putting its status quo at risk.
- (d) They
delight in concocting "persecutions" and police brutality - as they had
done last September, when they had stated to all the Media that SWAT
teams had come up to the Mountain to drive them out. This piece of news
was a thorough lie [...]. But they did the same thing in December of 2006, when they had cracked the skull of Fr. Ephraim!
In fact, the photo of Fr. Ephraim (shown above) circulated over
the Internet as "evidence" of the illegal occupants' persecution, with
the claim that the wounded Priest-Monk was a member of the schismatics.
(e) The illegal occupants
have no communion with any of the other Hagiorite Monasteries.
simple question (that anyone may ask) by calling the Police office at
Karyes (Phone directory at:,
Phone number:
+30 23770 23212, will convince even the biggest disbeliever.
The crime lab has taken samples of the residues and has linked them to
the reports of the incident. The Public Prosecutor of Thessaloniki
(Mr. E.Mamdelis) has, based on all of the evidence, filed criminal suits
against the illegal residents of the Monastery, on the following serious
charges: explosion, possession of explosives, attempted homicide or
grievous bodily harm and resistance.
[...] A technical
examination that we made at showed that the photos have not
been tampered (photoshopped), unless the perpetrator has such advanced
know-how and can alter the exif data
(Exif: Exchangeable
image file format (Exif, not EXIF) is a standard that specifies the
formats for images, sound, and ancillary tags used by digital cameras
(including smartphones), scanners and other systems handling image and
sound files recorded by digital cameras.)
The photograph's
technical data indicates that it is genuine, shot with an iPhone 4s, and
the coordinates of the position that the photo was taken are confirmed
to be from the correct spot (40.15 degr.Latitude, 24.14 degr.Longitude).
And, because the Internet is a major
tattle-tale, the submission of the photo to the exif scanner showed
the exact spot that the photo had been taken (image below):
Therefore it is probably genuine
(probably, not100%!) - unless we have stumbled upon a genius
hacker-monk who was capable of tampering with everything...
5. Event Logbook of the
Police for the Molotovs at Karyes
The use of incendiary
bombs by the illegal occupants of the Esphigmenou
Monastery's Representatives' Sector at Karyes of the
Holy Mountain is evidenced by the relative entry in the
Event Logbook of the Police Station of the
administrative capital on the Holy Mountain.
According to circles of
the canonical brotherhood, «following the uproar
that had been created by the posting of the first
photograph of the rasophore
holding the Molotov
bomb in his hand and the second one immediately after he
had thrown it, a large-scale attempt was made by certain
supporters of the illegal occupants to downgrade the
fact that felonies had been committed. At the same time,
they even attempted to mislead, by claiming that the
photograph was supposedly a forgery».
The Sacred Monastery
of Esphigmenou (having been subjected to the illegal
occupancy and temporarily based at Karyes) had requested
- as it had every right to do - from the Karyes Police
Station an extract from its Book of Offenses, in regard
to the events and the accusations that burden the
illegal occupants.
As maintained by the
legal and canonical brotherhood, «now proven
indisputably is the magnitude of the fanaticism and the
paranoia of those people who do not hesitate to commit
whose name, we wonder?)
Justice has already taken up the matter, in regard to
both the perpetrators as well as to the moral
instigators who directed them. It is anticipated
of the Greek Government to take responsibility and to
uphold its obligations towards a Holy Mountain which,
one hundred years after its incorporation into the Greek
corpus is undergoing absolute humiliation and
abandonment and is being scorned daily.».
Translation of the
2-page extract from the Log Book of the 29/7/2013:
29-07-2013 |
Violation of Art.
42 para.1,45,94
167 para.1,2
270 para. B'
272 para.1 and
299 para.1 of
PC (Penal Code) and Law No.2168/93 re
(29-07-2013) and at hour 8:00 at Karyes of
the Holy Mountain, (a) Panayiotis
Lambrou of (parents) Stavros and Froso, born
29-1-1974 in Russelsheim Germany, citizen of
Poliyiros, Chalkidiki, Justice Bailiff with
ID No.AH-334229/15-12-08, issued by Police
Dept of Poliyiros Chalkidiki, assisted by
(b) Efthymios Lambrou, Justice Bailiff of
Chalkidiki Court, (c)........
HERE== employees hired by (a), went to the
Representatives' Sector of the Sacred
Monastery of Esphigmenou, which has been
appropriated by monks and by laypeople
supportive of the old brotherhood of the
Sacred Monastery, in order to execute
decision No.116/2013 of the Chalkidiki Court
of First Instance, according to which, the
Representatives' Sector comprised of two (2)
adjoining buildings must be relinquished to
the legal Sacred Monastery Esphigmenou.
On their arrival there, the occupants
refused to abandon the occupied buildings
and upon the Bailiff's attempt to violate
the door of one of the two said buildings
with the assistance of (b) acting as witness
and persons 3 to 12 acting as employees
hired by (a) were victims of an attack by
two (2) improvised explosive devices (molotov
cocktails of the explosive kind), by persons
who were at a window of the second storey of
the building under occupation. A
Police Force from our Department ran to the
point and blockaded the area in order to
avert further escalation of unlawful
acts detrimental to persons and things.
Preliminary investigation is under way.
-Exact copy taken from the Book of Offenses and
Instances of our Department on the 29-07-2013
-The present document has been issued upon
request of those concerned, for every legal use.
Karyes, 01 August 2013
Head of the Department
Police Commissioner
What do the
schismatic occupants of Esphigmenou say about the Elders
someone wrongs us in any way, with
calumniations, with insults, we must
tell ourselves that he is our brother,
who has been taken over by the opponent.
He has
fallen victim to the opponent. For
that, we must show compassion for him
and ask God to have mercy on us and on
him too, and God will help us both. But,
if we become enraged against him, then
the opponent will jump over -from him to
us- and will taunt both of us.
Whosoever censures others, does not love
Christ. Egotism is to blame. That is
where censure begins."
Many of the pious
new-calendarists say to us: «But, can't you see the miracles
that father ...... performs?
Can't you see father Paisios, who has become a saint?
Can't you see father Porphyrios, who has become a saint?».
Well, if that
is what saints are like, we prefer not to be saints.
When father Paisios who started off here used to live with
snakes, the previous fathers regarded him as a deluded one.
When Bartholomew became Patriarch, he had stated:
«God has given us the best Patriarch». He had even
dug his grave near his hut, but fortunately, God does not go
along with our wills, nor with our vainglories. God had
granted otherwise, and he died in the world!
And the example is an awesome one, fathers.
Because after living so
many years on the Holy Mountain, I remember only two who
have died outside it. Father Nikanor of the
Chiliandarion Monastery, who had signed in opposition to our
Monastery and whose fingers, after signing, became so
twisted that he could not sign again, and the second one is
father Paisios, both of whom were asked if they wanted to go
to the Holy Mountain to die, and they replied «NO».
An obvious abandonment
by the Lady Theotokos. Because the older fathers
used to say: «May God make us worthy of dying on the Holy
(Statement by Methodios,
Abbot of the illegal occupants of the Esphigmenou Monastery,
titled «LOVE ONE ANOTHER», Magazine BOANERGES 2005, Issue
As for the deluded one,
Paisios, who had anything BUT an Orthodox conscience, we
shall continue with him in the next Issue. Suffice it
to note here that Paisios had been disavowed by the Lady
Theotokos Herself, who abandoned him and he died far from
the Holy Mountain, as a monk, in a... women's convent,
whereas Paisios himself, supposedly "far-sighted", dug
graves on the Holy Mountain in order to have ...memory of
death... and be buried there...
(Magazine "Agios
Agathangelos Esphigmenite" 2004 Issue 205)
Unfortunately, this is the picture that today's Holy
Mountain presents. It strives - with crutches the
various pseudo-saints such as Paisios and Porphyrios - to
keep the faithful in communion with the heresy, and at the
same time accusing and persecuting the Zealot fathers, in
order to please its master, Bartholomew the
(Magazine "Agios
Agathangelos Esphigmenite" 2004 Issue 212)
Did any of the genuine
Saints of Orthodoxy have any need to... feel the pulse
of visitors, in order to divine?
Did they assume - with their bodies, like the sorcerer
Porphyrios did - a "mystical" posture-pose at the Oracle
at Dodoni?
Did they admire... the statue of Zeus in the Athens
Museum, instead of enlightening the people and
uncovering the demonic religion of idols?
Did they "see" ancient ruins buried under the earth? And
in fact, the way that Porphyrios "saw" the antiquities
that were in Belgrade?!
Did they hold the hand of a patient, the way that the
sorcerer Porphyrios did, and cauterize him without
sedation in the operating room?
Did they pounce... like felines, the way that the
sorcerer Porphyrios did, and strip their interlocutor,
in order to prove that he had indeed undergone surgery,
and thus confirm their... gift of divination?
Did they "go through walls", the way that the sorcerer
Porphyrios did, because -according to the enthusiastic
narrations of his spiritual children- he had an
excellent knowledge of molecular structure and the
splitting of matter?
And if Porphyrios was indeed a saint, why did his
disciples translate his relics by night? Could it
be that on exhuming him, there were signs that debunked
his fame as a saint?
(Magazine "Agios
Agathangelos Esphigmenite" 2005 Issue 211)
What should one admire
first, of all the nonsense and the sophistries of the
deluded Paisios? When the entirety of the Church
teaches the Orthodox to turn away from the cacodox, the
Latin-minded and the Ecumenist bishops, are we to heed
the deluded extoller of the cacodox Bartholomew and
worshipper of the Mason Demetrius?
No! Ten thousand times NO!
(Magazine "Agios
Agathangelos Esphigmenite" 2005 Issue 211)
Translation: A.N.