Feast of Feasts and the Season of Seasons”! Tonight we celebrate the Resurrection! The
Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! That’s why our hearts are filled with such an exceptional joy! The faces
radiate! The eyes shine! And the lips do not cease repeating the
victorious paean:
“Christ is Risen”!
One may wonder why our souls are filled with so much
joy tonight? What is it that motivates the crowds of the faithful,
men and women, young and old alike, to come to the Orthodox churches
in order to light up their resurrection candle and to proclaim
"Christ is Risen"? Even people, who do not go to church very often,
feel the need to participate along with all believers in the joy of
the Resurrection.
The human mind may not be able to explain this
extraordinary phenomenon, but the human soul senses the rich
benefits that the Resurrection of Christ has brought to the world.
The human soul was struck by severe, incurable, deadly diseases, and
Christ, through His Holy Resurrection has healed it from all these
painful diseases, which in a word are called "sins."
soul was enslaved in its most ruthless enemy, the devil, but the
Risen Christ has made it free from the bonds of this tyrant and has
offered to all of us the freedom of the children of God!
human soul was poisoned by the evil serpent, i.e. Satan, and fell
into spiritual death by being cut off from the source of life, which
is God. Yet, the Risen Christ breathed new life into it by offering
eternal life!
Therefore, the soul of every Orthodox Christian rejoices over all the
blessings the Resurrection of Christ has brought to us, just as a
sick person rejoices when, after lying moribund at the hospital,
exits perfectly healthy.
The human soul rejoices like a man who was kidnapped and, after paying
the ransom given to him by a benefactor, he returns home free.
It rejoices like the daughter of Jairus, like the son of the widow of
Nain, like Lazarus, who were dead and were resurrected by Christ!
Really, can we imagine the joy their relatives felt when they saw
them rise?
My beloved, this joy that has come to the whole world through the Cross
and the Resurrection, is capable of eliminating all sorrows from our
souls, all sadness as well as every regret of the difficult events
we often face in our everyday life. Just as when the sun rises,
darkness dissolves, so do the dark situations we live in are
illuminated by the Light of our Lord’s Resurrection.
Since the glorious day of the Resurrection, the world has changed;
whoever truly believes in the resurrected Christ has been united
with Him through Holy Baptism and struggles to follow in His steps!
Of course, the Orthodox believer still lives in the world, but
whatever happens to him, he sees it under the light of the
Resurrection; he sees it with another eye, with a clear vision, he
sees it through the "mind of Christ". Thus, the joy that Christ
offers with His Resurrection, as He Himself said, "no one can take
it away from us; neither poverty, nor sickness, nor abandonment and
loneliness, nor injustice, not even death, which was defeated by
Christ, because He
“has crushed death by His death and has bestowed life to those who lay in
the tomb." This
is why we heard tonight Saint John Chrysostom saying in his
Resurrection Homily: "Let no one grieve over his poverty, for
the universal kingdom has been revealed. Let no one weep over his
sins, for pardon has shone from the grave. Let no one fear death,
for the death of our Saviour has set us free”
My beloved, I wholeheartedly wish to all of you, the
joy of the Resurrection to dominate your souls and to relieve you of
any unpleasant situation.
Christ is Risen!