St. Dymphna the Virgin Martyr - Commemorated
May 15
ISLE OF SAINTS has long been a title popularly given to
the island evangelized by St. Patrick, which nestles in
the blue waters of the Atlantic. And appropriately it is
so called for the names of the Irish saints would more
than fill the Church’s calendar. Yet it is to be
regretted that Catholics for the most part are entirely
unfamiliar with so many of these glorious saints, yes,
even ignorant of their very names. One such forgotten or
unknown saint, who, on account of her spotless virtue
and glorious martyrdom, is sometimes referred to as the
“Lily of Fire,” is St. Dymphna. True, the records of the
life and martyrdom of this holy virgin are for the most
part meager and unsatisfactory, but sufficient is known
regarding the principal faces of her life and of her
many well-authenticated miracles to attest to an exalted
St. Dymphna was born in
the 7th century, when Ireland was almost universally
Catholic [=Orthodox]. Yet, strange to say, her father, a
petty king of Oriel, was still a pagan.
Her mother, a descendant of a noble family, was, on the
other hand, a devout Christian, who was remarkable both
for her piety and her great beauty. Dymphna was, like
her mother, a paragon of beauty, and a most sweet and
winning child, the “jewel” of her home. Every affection
and attention was lavished upon her from birth. Heaven,
too, favored the child with special graces. Dymphna was
early placed under the care and tutelage of a pious
Christian woman, who prepared her for baptism, which was
conferred by the saintly priest Father Gerebran. The
latter seems to have been a member of the household, and
later taught little Dymphna her letters along with the
truths of religion. Dymphna was a bright and eager
pupil, and advanced rapidly in wisdom and grace. When
still very young, Dymphna, like so many other noble
Irish maidens before and after her, being filled with
fervor and love for Jesus Christ, chose Him for her
Divine Spouse and consecrated her virginity to Him and
to His Blessed Mother by a vow of chastity.
It was not long, however, until an unexpected cloud
overshadowed the happy childhood of the beautiful girl.
She lost her good mother by death. Many were the secret
tears she shed over this bereavement, but at the same
time she found great comfort in the Divine Faith which,
though she was still of a tender age, already had taken
deep root.
Dymphna’s father, too, greatly mourned his deceased wife
and for a long time continued prostrate with grief. At
length he was persuaded by his counselors to seek solace
in a second marriage. So he commissioned certain ones of
his court to seek out for him a lady who would be like
his first spouse in beauty and character. After visiting
many countries in vain, the messengers returned saying
that they could find none so charming and amiable as his
own lovely daughter, Dymphna. Giving ear to their base
suggestion, the king conceived the evil design of
marrying Dymphna. With persuasive and flattering words
he manifested his purpose to her. Dymphna, as may be
expected, was greatly horrified at the suggestion, and
asked for a period of forty days to consider the
proposal. She immediately betook herself to Father
Gerebran, who advised her to flee from her native
country, and since the danger was imminent, he urged her
to make no delay.
With all speed, therefore, she set out for the
continent, accompanied by Father Gerebran, the court
jester and his wife. After a favorable passage, they
arrived on the coast near the present city of Antwerp.
Having stopped for a short rest, they resumed their
journey and came to a little village named Gheel [or
Geel]. Here they were hospitably received and began to
make plans for establishing their future abode at this
The king, in the meantime, having discovered Dymphna’s
flight, was fearfully angry, and immediately set out
with his followers in search of the fugitives. After
some time, they were traced to Belgium and their place
of refuge was located. At first, Dymphna’s father tried
to persuade her to return with him, but Father Gerebran
sternly rebuked him for his wicked intentions, whereupon
he gave orders that Father Gerebran should be put to
death. Without delay, his wicked retainers laid violent
hands upon the priest and struck him on the neck with a
sword. With one blow of the steel, the head was severed
from the shoulders and another glorious martyr went to
join the illustrious heroes of Christ’s kingdom.
Further attempts on the part of Dymphna’s father to
induce her to return with him proved fruitless. With
undaunted courage she spurned his enticing promises and
scorned his cruel threats. Infuriated by her resistance,
the father drew a dagger from his belt and he himself
struck off the head of his child. Recommending her soul
to the mercy of God, the holy virgin fell prostrate at
the feet of her insanely raving father. Thus the
glorious crown of martyrdom was accorded to St. Dymphna
in the fifteenth year of her age, on the fifteenth day
of May, between 620 and 640. The day of her death has
been assigned as her feast-day.
The records of Dymphna’s life and death say that the
bodies of the two martyred saints lay on the ground for
quite some time after their death, until the inhabitants
of Gheel removed them to a cave, which was the customary
manner of interment in that part of the world at the
time of the martyrdoms. But after several years had
elapsed, the villagers, recalling their holy deaths,
decided to give the bodies a more suitable burial. When
the workmen removed the heap of black earth at the
cave’s entrance, great was their astonishment to find
two most beautiful tombs, whiter than snow, which were
carved from stone, as if by angel hands. When the coffin
of St. Dymphna was opened there was found lying on her
breast a red tile bearing the inscription:
“Here lies the holy virgin and martyr, Dymphna.”
The remains of the saint were placed in a small church.
Later necessity obliged the erection of the magnificent
“Church of St. Dymphna,” which now stands on the site
where the bodies were first buried. St. Dymphna’s relics
repose there in a beautiful golden reliquary.

Miracles and cures began to occur in continually
increasing numbers. Gradually St. Dymphna’s fame as
patroness of victims of nervous diseases and mental
disorders was spread from country to country. More and
more mentally afflicted persons were brought to the
shrine by relatives and friends, many coming in
pilgrimages from far-distant places. Supplications were made,
and St. Dymphna’s relic was applied to the patients. The
remarkable cures reported caused confidence in the saint
to grow daily. At first the patients were lodged in a
small annex built onto the church. Then gradually it
came about that the patients were placed in the homes of
the families living in Gheel. From this beginning Gheel
developed into a town world-famed for its care of the
insane and mentally afflicted. An institution, called
the “Infirmary of St. Elizabeth,” which was conducted by
the Sisters of St. Augustine was later built for the
hospital care of the patients. Most of the latter, after
some time spent in the institution, are placed in one or
other of the families of Gheel, where they lead a
comparatively normal life. Every
home in Gheel is
proud to welcome to its inmost family circle such
patients as are ready to return to the environment of
family life. Generations of experience have given to the
people of Gheel an intimate and tender skill in dealing
with their charges, and their remarkable spirit of
charity and Christ-like love for these afflicted members
of society gives to our modern-day world, so prone to
put its whole reliance on science and to forge the
principles of true Christian charity, a lesson the
practice of which would do much to restore certain types
of mentally afflicted individuals to an almost normal
outlook on life.
Renowned psychiatrists are in full agreement with this
statement, and testify that a surprisingly large number
of patients could leave mental institutions if they
could be assured of a sympathetic reception in the
world, such as the people of Gheel take pride in
showing. In fact, psychiatrists state that institutions
can help certain cases only to a given extent, and when
that point is reached, they must have help from persons
outside the institution if the progress made in the
institution is to have fruition. Gheel is the living
confirmation of this statement and an exemplar of the
Gospel teachings on charity.
The Holy
Relics of St. Dympna, treasured in the Saint's Church in
Gheel, Belgium
The remains of St. Dymphna were placed in a small church
dedicated to her at Gheel which was destroyed by fire in
1489. In 1532, another church was erected on the site,
much more magnificent than the previous one, which still
stands today. The relics of St. Dymphna are kept within
this church in an ornate silver reliquary (pictured
below). Her veneration rapidly spread all over Europe,
and she became the patroness of the mentally ill, of
epileptics and of abused children.