Chapter 5  //  Contents  //  Chapter 7




What do the Orthodox Ecumenists have to tell us?

An Orthodox hierarch had proclaimed that “the Holy Spirit prevails during each and every Christian baptism” and that the re-baptizing of heterodox Christians by the Orthodox is inspired by “narrow-mindedness, fanaticism and religious intolerance….it is an injustice towards the Christian baptism and indeed a blaspheming of the Holy Spirit”[i]!

            Another hierarch had claimed to certain heterodox that:  “We are all members of Christ; the one and only body, the one and only “new creation”, since our common baptism has freed us from death”[ii].

            Ecumenist ecclesiology was also expressed by Orthodox lips, in the following way:  “It is our duty to be prepared to acknowledge the presence of the Church, even beyond our own canonical boundaries, to which we attribute the one, holy, catholic (overall) and apostolic Church.[iii].

            But there are some other, even bolder ones, who have envisioned the “re-founding” of the Church, through the unification of all Christians.  An Orthodox hierarch asserted that: “we are in need of a new Christianity, which will be based entirely on new perceptions and terms. We cannot preach the religion that we received, to the coming generations”[iv].

[i] Mag. «Illuminator», Summer 1995, Pittsburgh, USA.

[ii] Mag. «Åðßóêåøéò», No. 370, p. 9, Geneva 1987.

[iii] Mag. «Åðßóêåøéò», No. 260, ó. 13-14, Geneva 1981.

[iv] News Paper of Athens «Åóôßá», 5-10-1967.


Chapter 5  //  Contents  //  Chapter 7

Page created: 16-3-2006.

Last update: 16-3-2006.